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Can't turn off your iPad? Try these proven fixes

How to fix an iPad that won't shut down: A simple guide

Having trouble with your iPad not shutting down when you want it to? This can be a frustrating problem, but it's not uncommon. There are several reasons why your iPad might be acting this way.

A simple guide to using the Find tool on your iPad

How to effortlessly search words and phrases on your iPad

If you've ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering how to quickly locate something on your iPad, you're in the right place!

How to Fix "Choose Where to Get Apps" Missing on Windows 11

How to Fix “Choose where to get apps” Missing on Windows 11

Some Windows 11 users report an issue installing third-party apps since the “Choose where to get apps” option is missing in Windows Settings. This issue may occur if an administrator blocks the option or when it’s locked by Group Policy.

How to Fix "" Error

How to Fix "" Error on Windows 11

EA app users frequently experience connection problems when trying to play their favorite EA games. If you are unable to connect to the EA servers and get the “” error message, this guide will help you fix it.

How to Fix Discord Crashing on Windows 11

How to Fix Discord Crashing on Windows 11

Discord is a hugely successful chat app with millions of active users. However, users complain that Discord keeps crashing on their PCs, particularly when streaming games. The troubleshooting methods in this article will help you fix this problem.

How to Fix Steam Overlay Not Working

How to Fix Steam Overlay Not Working

The Steam Overlay enables players to access many of Steam’s in-game features. However, some users find that they can’t enable the Steam Overlay when they try to access it. This frustrating issue can hinder the overall gaming experience. If you’ve started experiencing this issue, the methods in this guide will help you fix it.

How to Fix "Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings" Error

How to Fix “Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings” Error

If you get a “Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings” error when loading a webpage on Chrome, it means that your firewall or antivirus software blocks Chrome from establishing a connection. Here, we will discuss this problem in more detail and offer you several proven step-by-step ways to fix it.

Maximize your security: Enabling Lockdown Mode on your Apple devices

How to activate Lockdown Mode for enhanced security on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Are you wondering what Lockdown Mode is and whether you need it on your Apple devices? This guide will explain what Lockdown Mode does, why it might be necessary, and how you can turn it on if you decide it's right for you.


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