How-To guides for Windows users

How to Fix Error Code 0xc0000225 in Windows 11
If you started getting Error Code 0xc0000225 when booting up your Windows 11 computer, it usually means that Windows can’t find vital system files used for booting. This article will describe the most important aspects of this problem and show you how to fix it.

How to Disable Copilot on Windows 11
Microsoft Copilot has become an integral part of Windows 11. Now, it combines Bing AI with advanced language models that make you more productive. However, despite Copilot's advantages, some users don’t want to use it and prefer to disable it. If you, too, want to disable Copilot on your Windows 11, the guides presented here will help you do it.

Many Windows 11 users report getting a FAULTY HARDWARE CORRUPTED PAGE stop code error when they boot up their computers. This error is primarily caused by faulty device drivers but may also be caused by faulty hardware. This article will help you troubleshoot this issue and fix it.

How to Fix Roblox Error Code 0
Roblox players report getting Error Code 0 when logging into their accounts. This is a network connection error that occurs when Roblox cannot process the authentication correctly due to some issue. If it’s not caused by a server outage, you can fix it following the instructions in this article.

How to Fix Twitch Error #2000
Twitch users often encounter a network Error #2000, which prevents them from watching Twitch streams. This error is often caused by a bad or insecure network connection or intrusive browser extensions. In this article, we will address this error and provide multiple ways to rectify it.

How to Bypass Windows 11 TPM Requirements
Microsoft has implemented minimal hardware requirements that computers must meet to install Windows 11, particularly TPM 2.0 support. As a result, older computers give a message saying that “this PC doesn't currently meet Windows 11 system requirements" when attempting to install Windows 11. Fortunately, you can bypass Windows 11 TPM, RAM, and other requirements. Follow the guide below to install Windows 11 on your unsupported computer.
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