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How to Fix “File://tmp/error.html” Error in Google Chrome
Google Chrome is currently the most popular web browser for desktop and mobile devices. It offers many features, including opening local HTML files. However, some users experience a File://tmp/error.html error when trying to open locally stored HTML or download files. This article will provide more information about this error and multiple ways to fix it.

How to Fix Discord Notifications Not Working on Windows 11
Sometimes, Discord users complain about not getting Discord notifications on their desktop devices. This issue may occur due to a number of factors that we will discuss in this article. If you also have this problem and want to fix it, check out the troubleshooting methods below.

How to Fix Msedge.exe Application Error on Windows 11
Many Microsoft Edge users report experiencing errors related to Msedge.exe, particularly when launching Edge. Some are also unsure of what Msedge.exe is, and is it safe. This article will provide more information about Msedge.exe and how to fix errors such as Msedge.exe Application Error.

How to Fix “Discord Notification Won’t Go Away”
Many users report that a Discord notification won’t go away even though they have read all their DMs. In most cases, the persistent message alert is a promotion for Nitro, but not always, as you also get notifications for server pings and friend requests. To remove the confusing notification with no message, check out how you can do that below.
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