How-To guides for Windows users

How to Fix "Network Protocol Missing" Problem on Windows 10
When a network protocol is missing from your computer, you may get a "One or more network protocols are missing on this computer" error. If a network protocol is missing, you will probably be unable to share files or data between network computers or unable to access the Internet at all. In this article, we show how you can recover your Internet connection.

How to Easily Block Cryptocurrency Mining in Your Web Browser?
Cryptocurrency is a form of digital money designed to be secure and anonymous. These currencies exist on the network only and have no physical form. Web pages may embed JavaScript code into your browser to mine cryptocurrency. In this article, we show how to block mining on your browser.

How to Bring Back the ‘Open Command Window Here’ Option in Windows 10
Command Prompt, a command-line interpreter application also known as cmd.exe or cmd, is available in most Windows Operating Systems. In this article, we show how to access the Registry and modify it so you can access Command Prompt from the right-click context menu.

How to Enable and Use Controlled Folder Access on Windows 10 Creators Update?
Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents users from accessing their systems. If you have updated Windows 10 to Creators Update, have not used Controlled Folder Access, and have not yet been affected by ransomware, you can start using it immediately. In this article, we show you how.
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