How-To guides for Mac users

How to view Shazam song History on your iPhone?

4 ways you can check Shazam song history on iPhone

You probably know what Shazam is. If you don't, it's kind of a virtual assistant that can identify songs for you. For example, you hear a song in a coffee shop and want to know what it's called. You then open the Shazam app, let it listen to it, and it finds it for you. How convenient is that?

WhatsApp not working on iPhone? Here's how to remove the problem!

How to fix WhatsApp when it's not working?

WhatsApp is a great application that allows any device user to communicate with each other without any additional cost. Many businesses and everyday people use it to discuss various topics, participate in groups with like-minded people, and more.

Learn how to record iPhone's screen on iPhone and on Mac

Learn how to record iPhone's screen on iPhone and on Mac

The screen recording feature can be very helpful and beneficial. You can use it to show someone how to access specific settings, create a video for fun or work purposes, and so on. There are many Screen recording software out there. But Apple users don't have to worry about it as they already have a built-in one.

Fix Facebook not working on your iPhone or iPad with these easy 9 methods

Facebook app stopped working? Fix it with these 9 methods

Social media is a big part of our life. One of the most used platforms is Facebook. We use it to share our life and update friends and family members as well as communicate using the Messenger app. But like all apps, Facebook can experience various issues that will prevent you from using it without any problems.

Delete hidden apps easily with these 5 methods on iPhone and iPad

5 ways to delete hidden apps from iPhone and iPad

Your iPhone or iPad can get cluttered with time due to many apps, files, and various documents. It's recommended that you delete unnecessary items from your device from time to time. You should especially look through your apps and delete the ones you don't use anymore, as they can take a lot of storage space.

Set a song from Apple Music as your iPhone alarm

Use Apple Music to set a song as your alarm on iPhone

Waking up in the morning can be taught if you're not an early bird. Having an annoying alarm tune waking you up from an early morning can irritate you set a bad mood for the rest of the day. Having a bright song as your alarm can better your mood.


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