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What is "Wait a minute! This is important - we check your devices" Message?

The "Wait a minute! This is important - we check your devices" Message Promotes a Fake Malware Scanner

When you surf the Internet, be very careful. Many fake online security 'scanners' claim to scan your computer for viruses and spyware. However, these scanners are fake and attempt to scare PC users for malicious purposes. Do not believe these online scans, especially if you have not specifically requested one.

Wait a minute! This is important - we check your devices - Recognise this message?  This is one of the most popular fake online spyware and malware scanners.

When you open the web page of this scanner, a Javascript message pops up. It reports that your computer contains various infections, and the system requires immediate checking.

When you press OK, the web page imitates the 'My Computer' folder by displaying local hard disks, documents, folders, etc. These hard drives and document folders appear the same to all website visitors and do not represent your actual computer configuration. However, to less-experienced users, this may seem threatening and scary.


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PCrisk is a cyber security portal, informing Internet users about the latest digital threats. Our content is provided by security experts and professional malware researchers. Read more about us.

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