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4 Ways to Check Hard Drive Health on Windows 10

How to Check Hard Drive Health on Windows 10

S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a utility that monitors hard drive health and reports any existing or potential future problems. This article shows you how to check your hard drive health and which tools to use to prevent failure.

How to Update Graphics Driver on Windows 10

How to Update Graphics Driver on Windows 10

Updated graphics drivers are essential and often deliver better performance. This article will show you the three main methods for updating the graphics card drivers. Choose the method that suits you, but note that not every method is guaranteed to work.

How to Backup and Recover Files in Windows 10?

How to Backup and Recover Files in Windows 10 Using System Tools?

We should all be concerned about protecting our data, especially when we store important photos, documents, or other sensitive files of any format on our computers. Backing up files is a simple process that can help you to avoid data loss. In this article, we look at Windows backup and recovery tools and show you how they work.

How to Take a Screenshot on Windows 10 and 7

How to Take a Screenshot on Windows 10 and 7

A screenshot is a still image saved from the currently visible part of your screen. In this article, we show different methods to capture screenshots in Windows 7 and Windows 10.

How to Change Your Screen Resolution in Windows 10?

How to Easily Change Your Screen Resolution and Other Display Settings in Windows 10

Having the correct screen resolution on your computer is essential. Windows has default settings for screens. However, you can adjust the screen resolution to suit your needs and even check your current resolution online. In this article, we explain where to find these settings and how to adjust them properly.

How to Use Windows Defender in Windows 10?

How to Use Windows Defender in Windows 10 and Protect Your PC for Free

Windows Defender is an antivirus program, which is a fully integrated part of Windows 10. It offers real-time protection from various threats such as adware, spyware, and viruses. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at this software.

How to Test Random Access Memory (RAM)

How to Easily Test Your RAM for Errors?

Random Access Memory (RAM) is computer hardware that temporarily stores data within a "working" memory area. This article will show you how to test your RAM and identify problems.

How to Debloat Windows 10 [Complete Guide]

How to Debloat Windows 10

When you buy a new PC, you expect it to be fast and efficient. This is generally the case, but there is one problem: bloatware. Bloatware is unnecessary software pre-installed on your computer at purchase. If you want to debloat Windows 10, this article will guide you through the process.


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