How-To guides for Mac users

Does My Mac Have a Task Manager?

Activity Monitor is Mac's Task Manager

Migration between Windows and Mac users are casual occurrence, caused by a variety of reason. Sometimes it's a difference between your own and work computers, sometimes decisions to change your home computers to try another operating system or manufacturer, etc. The downside of changing operating systems is that you don't know where to find certain features and applications.

How to Manually Reboot a Frozen Mac?

How to Force Restart Your Frozen Mac?

Macs are well known as stable and error-free computers, but even the best may crash. Even when your computer fails to finish your task and froze, that doesn't mean it's a big issue. Frequently such freezes are caused by the crashed applications or some of the services encountered an unexpected error.

How to Solve Black Screen Problem on a Mac?

How to Solve Mac Booted Into Black Screen Error?

Not a surprise that a lot of people don't have enough time to become one, and even minor issues with their Mac may look like an actual hardware failure. However, these errors are software-related and can be solved without taking your computer to service in many cases.

How to Set the Default or Primary Google Account for Multiple Gmail Account Users?

How to Set the Default or Primary Google Account for Multiple Gmail Account Users?

Google Mail or Gmail is one of the most popular emails in the world. Not a surprise that a lot of people own more than one address, for work, personal or commercial purposes. However, there is a common issue with using multiple accounts. You can get confused about which is your default account.

How to Export Pages Documents to Word Documents?

How to Export Pages Document to Word?

Word is a Microsoft-developed software, which creates and modifies text documents. It has its own file type called .docx or .doc (for older versions.). This program is widely used in many corporate and educational environments, especially everywhere where Windows operating system is dominant.

How to Download Images From iCloud?

How to Download Pictures or Photos from iCloud to Mac or Windows?

Probably every Mac user knows what the iCloud is. When you know how to use it properly, it's an irreplaceable feature. With the help of iCloud, you can share information not only between your devices but also with your friends by giving them some shared links.


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