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How to Fix DirectX Errors?

How to Easily Fix DirectX Errors on Windows 10?

Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms. If you're experiencing errors with DirectX, this article is dedicated to helping you fix them.

How to Fix SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION Error on Windows 10

How to Fix SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION Error on Windows 10

SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION is a BSoD error shown after a fatal system crash forcing your PC to restart. If you're getting this error, use the troubleshooting steps below to fix it.

How to Fix the "Couldn't load plugin" Error on Chrome?

How to Fix the "Couldn't load plugin" Google Chrome Error on Windows 10?

Many users often get the "Couldn't load plugin" in Google Chrome, preventing them from using the plug-in. If you're getting this error, see the troubleshooting steps below to fix it.

How to Fix the 'A Problem Occurred With This Webpage So It Was Reloaded'?

How to Fix the 'A Problem Occurred With This Webpage So It Was Reloaded' Issue?

Most websites are fully responsive and can be viewed using computers or mobile devices such as phones, tablets, etc. Even when developers create perfectly responsive websites, you might encounter issues caused by your device performance or browser settings.

How to Fix "MSVCP140.dll Is Missing" on Windows 10

How to Fix "MSVCP140.dll Is Missing" on Windows 10

If you are getting the error message saying, "The program can't start because msvcp140.dll is missing from your computer", it means what it says: msvcp140.dll is missing. This article contains several solutions to fix this error.

How to Fix Volume Icon Missing in Windows 10

Windows 10 Volume Icon Missing? Follow Our Instructions to Fix That

The Windows 10 taskbar is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) element that has many functions. The taskbar features the volume icon that allows you to change the sound volume in Windows. This article is dedicated to fixing the disappearing volume icon permanently.



The KERNEL SECURITY CHECK FAILURE  error occurs when the kernel detects corrupted data. In this guide, you'll find several solutions to this error.

How to Fix MacBook Stuck on Apple Logo While Booting?

MacBook or MacBook Pro Stuck on Apple Logo While Loading? Here's how to fix it!

MacBook's applications make the best use of its hardware potential. However, it's not a secret that something may happen even in Apple products. There are plenty of circumstances when errors and crashes may occur. Note that these crashes are not a major issue in most cases, and they can be easily fixed even by less tech-savvy computer users.


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