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File Explorer Is Working Slow. How To Fix It?

File Explorer Slow? Find Out How to Fix It

File Explorer is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) component of Microsoft Windows. File Explorer is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) component. Sometimes, the File Explorer may become slow or unresponsive. This article will show you how to fix this issue.

Safari Can't Establish a Secure Connection - How to Fix?

How to Fix Safari When It Can't Establish a Secure Connection to Server?

After browsing the Internet for some time, the Safari browser might stop loading certain websites. We receive many reports from Mac users stating that they encounter the "a secure connection could not be established" error message when using Safari and Chrome internet browsers.

What Is Live Wallpaper and How to Use It?

How to Set a Live Wallpaper in Windows 10

In computing, a 'wallpaper' is an image used as the background of a computer screen. Static wallpaper contains icons and other Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements that can be moved around. Live wallpaper is more advanced (and could be termed 'dynamic') since it is animated or interactive. Live wallpaper moves when the device (usually a smartphone) is moved, or the wallpaper moves on the computer background without user-actions required.

How to Uninstall File Association Helper?

How to Easily Uninstall File Association Helper From Windows 10

File Association Helper comes with WinZip during installation and is an optional add-on, which is not necessary for WinZip to run. Many users accidentally install this software by running through the installation process without carefully studying what they agree to and what they get when they install WinZip. This article will show you how to remove File Association Helper.

How to Change Network Name in Windows 10

How to Change Network Name in Windows 10

When you configure your network for the first time, Windows assigns a default network name. This article will show you how to change your network profile name.

How to Reset Your Forgotten Password in Windows 10?

How to Reset Windows 10 Password if You Forgot It?

It is easy to forget your password, especially if you have many different passwords on various platforms. Different platforms often have different rules for setting passwords, such as different digit counts and/or letters, etc. In this way, you may be forced to have different passwords. This article will show you how to reset your Windows 10 password.

How to Make Google Chrome Faster [Complete Guide]

How to Make Chrome Faster on Windows

Google Chrome is renowned for being the fastest web browser. However, it may become slower over time. If Chrome works slowly for you, the methods in this article will show you how to speed it up.

How to Find Your Windows and Office Product Keys?

How to Find Your Microsoft Windows and Office Keys

Most commercial software comes with some form of protection to avoid unauthorized copying and installation. Microsoft Windows and office products require a product key to active them. If you need to find your product key Windows or Office, this article will explain how to find them on your computer.


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