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How to Make Windows Start Faster?

How to Make Windows 10 Boot Faster

A new PC or a laptop often starts (boots) quickly. However, over time, computers become slower with increasing startup times. Many factors can cause slow Windows startup, but there are also ways to make Windows 10 boot up faster.

8 Ways to Make Internet Faster [Complete Guide]

How to Make Internet Faster

Most of us are dependent on the Internet and require it to be reliable and fast. The Internet helps us communicate, work, be entertained, and so on. There are numerous ways to improve Internet performance for business and personal use, which we cover in this article.

How to Fix Screen Brightness Control?

Can't Adjust Windows 10 Screen Brightness, Windows 10 Brightness Control Is not Working. How to Fix It?

In Windows 10, you can increase or decrease screen brightness depending on the local environment and lighting to make content more visible or comfortable to view. Adjusting screen brightness can also be useful to save batteries (in the case of laptop use).

Spotlight Search Not Working on Mac, How to Fix?

Spotlight Search Not Working or Displaying Inaccurate Results, How to Fix?

Despite Spotlight's popularity, glitches can occur with this search engine. Results may become inaccurate, or Spotlight might not find files, even though the data is present in the computer storage. Also, a search query may be entered, but no results are shown. Other than an inactive search field - there is no response to any query entered.

App Store Downloads Very Slow, How to Fix?

Downloads via App Store Take a Lot of Time on Mac, How to Fix?

The App Store application offers access to all available apps for Apple macOS or iOS operating systems. To find any type of program, simply use the search field to deliver all associated results. It is beneficial when the store works appropriately, but since the storage is vast and contains countless apps, various issues are unavoidable.

How to Fix Error Code 0xC004f074

How to Fix Windows Activation Error Code 0xC004f074

When attempting to activate the Windows operating system, users sometimes receive the 0xC004f074 error code, followed by a message that says, "We can't activate Windows on this device as we can't connect to your organization activation server''.


How to Fix ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Google Chrome

You may have received the ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR message when trying to access a particular website. This error usually occurs when opening web pages integrated with Google (such as Gmail or YouTube), but it can also occur while trying to access other websites.

Dictation Doesn't Work on Mac, How to Fix?

Dictation and Enhanced Dictation not Working on a Mac Computer, How to Fix?

For many years, computers controlled by voice seemed like science fiction and were only seen in movies. However, Apple has released several features that use voice recognition, including Siri and Dictation. Many Mac users are familiar with these features and use them regularly.


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